Album Review: Summer Sun by Oakrest

Canadian rock band Oakrest released their debut album on July 8th. The album title, Summer Sun, perfectly captures the energy on this album. Most of the songs on the album are fast-paced and high-energy, making it a perfect summer soundtrack for fans of pop-punk and rock music. 

Lead single “Olivia” opens the album and gives fans a catchy chorus about having a crush that makes your blood pump with adrenaline. The album is consistent in sound, but even the more acoustic tracks like “Take It Slow” are able to bring new elements to light on the album. Even when the lyrics convey a deeper meaning, the band isn’t afraid to keep having fun with the music. The album focuses heavily on the nature of relationships both with other people and with yourself. Closing track “Shed My Skin” is the perfect example of a song that focuses on one’s relationship with oneself. It focuses on letting people in and being vulnerable and the benefits of being open with your loved ones, rather than closing yourself off. 

The album is the perfect soundtrack to listen to on a warm summer day with friends, or while taking a long drive with the windows down. It’s a fresh addition to the growing pop-punk scene, and I am excited to see what Oakrest has coming up next. You can keep up with the band by following their social media, and listen to Summer Sun wherever you get your music!


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