Song Review: “I’m Your Guy” by Anna Shoemaker

Anna Shoemaker’s newest single “I’m Your Guy” was released on July 12th, and is sure to be a hit for the singer. The single perfectly blends indie, pop, and rock influences into something entirely new. Inspired by the sounds of her debut album, Everything is Fine (I’m Only on Fire), this song is a great introduction to the artist and her capability to hold her own within the indie scene. 

Lyrically, the song is about unconditional support for someone you love, whether that be a friend or lover. It’s about having someone’s back through the thick and thin of the relationship and showing that support to the other. The emotion can be heard through the lyrics and felt in Anna’s voice, making this song feel genuine and straight from the heart. 

Overall, the song is catchy and heartfelt, while still being upbeat and keeping a positive tone. If you are able, I would recommend listening to her debut album or seeing her play live if you live nearby.  Keep up with Anna Shoemaker by following her Instagram and listen to “I’m Your Guy” wherever you get your music! 


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