Song Review: “I’m Worried My Cat Thinks I Can’t Change” by A Tiger Made of Lightning

Ohio rockers A Tiger Made of Lightning have been releasing music since 2020 and with each release they continue to impress longtime listeners and soon to be new fans. The group’s sound can be best be described as nostalgic as they mix the sounds of 2010s post-hardcore and 2000s emo with lyrics that are uplifting and help listeners look towards the future in a positive light. They’ve released one EP in 2021 and are set to release another this year. 

On August 9th, 2022, they released their latest single, “I’m Worried My Cat Thinks I Can’t Change,” a nostalgic and engaging listen. It’s a fast paced, high energy track that starts off with somewhat quiet guitar riffs that get louder followed by a drum beat that also starts off soft but gets louder. Once the vocals come into play, they start out on the louder side, eventually quiet themselves down, and then pick back up again when the chorus hits. The song has a good mix of screams and clean vocals and those screams always come in at the right moment: the beginning, during the chorus, the bridge, and the ending. 

You’ve got intense, fast paced instrumentals that will keep listeners interested and listen to the song in full, and then you’ve got lyrics that feel uplifting and could inspire listeners to keep going. The pre-chorus and chorus are a prime example of those uplifting lyrics. Depending on who you ask, a lot of 2010s post hardcore & 2000s emo have reputations of their lyrics being sad, so the positive lyrics here are a refreshing change of pace. 

The sounds of previous eras of music and lyrics that encourage listeners to look towards the future with positivity is a refreshing blend of old and new that you will want to listen to on repeat and definitely keep you hyped for their newest EP (slated for release in Fall 2022). 

If you’re a fan of early Sleeping With Sirens, Underoath, Beartooth, A Day To Remember, and other 2010s post-hardcore bands, you’ll be sure to like this track! 

“I’m Worried My Cat Thinks I Can’t Change” is available wherever you stream your music and be sure to follow them on Instagram (@atigermadeoflightning) and Twitter (@ATMoLband). The group is set to release their second EP in Fall 2022, so be sure to follow them to get all the latest updates about it!


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